Simple effective hat

All you need are two of your favorit colours, lace weight yarn 25g and about 200m each.
I used circular needles 2,5mm and dpns 2,5mm on the end.
Some stitch markers will be handy to mark beggining and on the end to mark section where you will do decreasing, (4 will do)
Hat is knitted from bottom up.
I used simple rib pattern, with twisted stitches, - 1k, 1p
When knitting you will hold two strands of the yarn, AA, AB or BB, I would recommended two make two balls from each colour, or make beautiful cakes.
K - knit (knit through back loop), P - pulr
K2togR - knit two stitches
K2togL - slip 2 stitches knitwise, one at the time, transfer stitches back to left needle in turn position, knit two together.
Or do your best, it is hat, only.
SM - stitch marker
Cast on 144 stitches, or as many as you need with colour A. It will help if you can divide you amount of stitches by 4, for even decreasing. Mark your beggining, also this is the point in which you will change your colours.
Knit about 30 round.
Start adding second colour:
1 round AB
3 r A
2 r AB
3 r A
3 r AB
2 r A
4 r AB
1 r A
5 r AB
1 r B
4 r AB
2 r B
3 r AB
3 r B
2 r AB
4 r B
1 r AB
continue 1 round of B colour. By usung your SM, divide your knitting on 4 even parts, if you started with 144 sts it would be 36 stitches. In this case your SM will be place behind purl stitch, you will decreasing (k2togR) before this purl stitch to the right and knit stitch behind SM to the left (k2togL)

Budeme potrebovat 2 farby asi 25g s 200m, najlepsie lahka vlnka, lace, pretoze budeme pracovat s dvoma nitkami naraz - AA, BB, AB. Nebudem nic strihat iba zmenima farbu podla potreby.
Pouzijeme kruhove ihlice a neskor pri zakoncovani, kde budeme mat menej ociek prejdeme na rovne ihlice, s dvoma koncami.
Taktiez budeme potrebovat nieco na znacenie zaciatku pletenia a pri odoberani ociek na konci, kde tiez pouzijeme ihlu.
Velkost ihlic zavysi na vasom style pletenia, ja som pouzila 2,5mm.
Capica je pletena jednoducho v kruhu, z dola nahor, pouzila som jednoduchy vzor, 1 hladko, 1 obradko, anglicke twistnute, zalezi na vas. Odporucam aby ste si urobili dve klbka s kazdej farby alebo, pekne kolaciky, s uhladnymi koncami. (mne dlho uhladne nevydrzali)
Zacneme na 144 ockach, ktore nahodime prvou farbou - dvoma nitkami, alebo nahodime tolko kolko potrebujete, je dobre ked ich na konci mozete vydelit 4, pretoze budeme uberat ocka na styroch miestach.
Prvou farbou strikujte asi 30 riadkov/okruhov, nie viac, to aby sme mali dost vlnky na ukoncenie capicu, potom sledujte rozpis hore. /r = round = okruh/
.... a ked sme to prezili
Rozdelime pletenia na stryri casti, ked ste nahodili 144 ociek, tak ic rozdelite na 36 krat 4. Pred kazdou znackou by ste mali mat obratene ocko, ktore nechame na pokoji, ale kazde hladke ocko pred a po strykujeme spolu s nasledujicim ockom, tak aby sa pekne tiahli do lava a do prava (orazok hore) Ja som velmi nedbala, ci sa mi ocka twistuju alebo nie, je to capica nie operacia srdca. Pokracuje dokial nebudete mat spolu 16 ociek, odstrihnete vlnku s asi 20 cm dlhym koncom, cez zvysne ocka pomoucou ihli ju prevleciete a to niekolko krat, zatiaknete, a skryjete koniec medzi ockami.